You are invited to our
Lenten Mission Impact Nights!
Sunday, March 19th &
Monday, March 20th
at 6:00 p.m. in the Social Hall.
Mission talks by Peter Andrastek
Peter has worked in adult formation in the Church since 2003. He holds a Master's Degree in Pastoral Theology from Ave Maria University. Click here to find out more about Peter’s work.
Night #1:
"Your Mission in the World"
Sunday, March 19th
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
We are called in a particular way to live out our vocation and our mission in and to the world. We fulfill our mission in relationships with the family, friends, co-workers, and associates who make up our circle of influence.
Our mission is not primarily lived out in the parish. It is fulfilled in the circumstances and people we encounter every day. We are called to be the Gospel — the light of Christ — in our everyday lives. This is an exciting adventure and all the baptized are called to it!
6:00 p.m. - Gathering & light refreshments in the Social Hall.
6:15 p.m. - 90-minute talk by Peter Andrastek in the Church.
7:45 p.m. - Fellowship & discussion.
Our mission is not primarily lived out in the parish. It is fulfilled in the circumstances and people we encounter every day. We are called to be the Gospel — the light of Christ — in our everyday lives. This is an exciting adventure and all the baptized are called to it!
6:00 p.m. - Gathering & light refreshments in the Social Hall.
6:15 p.m. - 90-minute talk by Peter Andrastek in the Church.
7:45 p.m. - Fellowship & discussion.
Night #2:
"Discern Your Personal Mission"
Monday, March 20th
6:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Discover what it means to live your mission in the world according to the will of God. Learn how to live out your personal mission to spread the Gospel in your unique circle of relationships. Building on Night #1, we’ll learn practical ways to pray, discern, and discover what your personal mission is right now. (If you aren’t able to come to Night #1—don’t worry—you’re still welcome to come to Night #2!)
6:00 p.m. - Gathering for Lenten dinner in the Social Hall.
6:45 p.m. - 90-minute talk by Peter Andrastek in the Church.
8:15 p.m. - Fellowship & discussion
6:00 p.m. - Gathering for Lenten dinner in the Social Hall.
6:45 p.m. - 90-minute talk by Peter Andrastek in the Church.
8:15 p.m. - Fellowship & discussion